Chain hospital query
Chain hospital query
Hand and Foot Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:断指再植、断肢再植、手指缺损再造、手足部先天畸形等
Traumatic orthopaedics
Diagnosis and treatment projects:各种复杂骨折、小儿骨折、骨不连、骨质疏松等
Joint Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:肩周炎、关节镜、 鼠标手、跟腱炎、半月板损伤、腱鞘炎等
Spinal surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:腰肌劳损、颈椎病、腰腿痛、椎间孔镜、脊柱滑脱等
Non-surgical treatment center for neck, shoulder,
Diagnosis and treatment projects:软组织急性损伤、软组织慢性劳损等
Rehabilitation Medicine Department
Diagnosis and treatment projects:脑中风康复、脊髓损伤康复、脑外伤康复、小儿脑瘫康复等
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