Chain hospital query
Chain hospital query
Zhejiang Boner Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Boner Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd. is a well-known professional hospital investment operator in the Yangtze River Delta, featuring major orthopaedics and rehabilitation. By the end of 2018, the total number of beds had exceeded 4000 an
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The total capacity of open beds is 4000
Annual operation volume is nearly 20000
So far, nearly 100 patients have been relieved of their illness.
Hand and Foot Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:断指再植、断肢再植、手指缺损再造、手足部先天畸形等
Traumatic orthopaedics
Diagnosis and treatment projects:各种复杂骨折、小儿骨折、骨不连、骨质疏松等
Joint Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:肩周炎、关节镜、 鼠标手、跟腱炎、半月板损伤、腱鞘炎等
Spinal surgery
Diagnosis and treatment projects:腰肌劳损、颈椎病、腰腿痛、椎间孔镜、脊柱滑脱等
Non-surgical treatment center for neck, shoulder,
Diagnosis and treatment projects:软组织急性损伤、软组织慢性劳损等
Rehabilitation Medicine Department
Diagnosis and treatment projects:脑中风康复、脊髓损伤康复、脑外伤康复、小儿脑瘫康复等
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